Taxi 5 Mission Journal  

Soyuz TMA-1 Mission Overview

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Soyuz TMA-1 Crew Portrait. Photo courtesy of ESA.
Soyuz Taxi Flight 5 has returned from the ISS.

LEFT: (L-R) Flight Engineer Yuri Lonchakov, Commander Sergei Zalyotin, and Flight Engineer Frank De Winne.
RIGHT: ESA logo for Odissea mission.

Odissea mission logo for the European contribution to this flight. Image courtsy of ESA.

Latest Mission News

Soyuz Taxi Flight 5 Updated Flight Facts:

Mission:   International Space Station Soyuz Taxi Flight 5
Launch Vehicle: Soyuz TMA-1 on Soyuz FG rocket
Return Vehicle: Soyuz TM-34 (launched on Taxi Flight 4)
Crew: 3 (2 Russian, 1 Belgian)
Duration: 11 Days
Orbit Period: 88.8 - 90.2 minutes
Launch Time: 10:11PM EST 29 Oct 2002 (0311 GMT 30 Oct)
Launch Window: ? minutes
Launch Facility: Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan
Docking: 01 November 2002, 12:01AM EST (0501 GMT)
EVAs: None
Undocking: 09 November 2002, 3:44PM EST (2044 GMT) (Soyuz TM-34)
Landing: 09 November 2002, 7:04PM EST
(0004 GMT 10 November)
Landing Location: Republic of Kazakhstan (target)
Orbit Altitude: 202.22 - 258.76 kilometers
Orbit Inclination: 51.64°
Flight stats: 1st flight of Soyuz TMA spacecraft
5th launch of Soyuz FG rocket (first with crew)

Mission info from NASA Human Spaceflight, Energia Corporation, and European Space Agency websites


Taxi Crew Delivers New Soyuz to ISS
Soyuz TMA-1 launches from Baikonur. Photo:ESA/RSAA taxi flight crew has delivered a new Soyuz crew return vehicle to the International Space Station. Soyuz 5 Commander Sergei Zalyotin and Flight Engineers Frank DeWinne and Yuri Lonchakov launched in the modified Soyuz TMA-1 spacecraft at 9:11 p.m. CST Oct. 29 (0311 GMT Oct. 30) from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, and docked with the station at 11:01 p.m. CST Oct. 31 (0501 GMT Nov. 1). They will spend eight days at the station conducting science investigations before returning to Earth in the Soyuz TM-34 currently docked with the station.
Zalyotin and Lonchakov are cosmonauts with Rosaviakosmos, the Russian Aviation and Space Agency. DeWinne is a European Space Agency Astronaut from Belgium. This will be first flight to the station for Zalyotin and DeWinne. Lonchakov visited the station as a member of the STS-100 crew in April 2001.
Russian flight rules dictate that a Soyuz remains docked to the ISS and replaced by a fresh Soyuz every six months. Should the station's resident crew encounter an emergency requiring them to disembark the orbital outpost, they would enter the Soyuz lifeboat, undock from the station and de-orbit for a landing on Earth. The Russian spacecraft is certified to remain in space no longer than six months due to the degradation of its propellant over time and space radiation hazards to the vehicle.

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